Monday, July 12, 2010

The Guild Marathon: Three Seasons in One Day

Serena with the custom Jayne hat she made for Higlet - shiny*!
Sunny Summer Saturday: Let's geek!
For someone with more than her fair share of freckles, the sun is not really my friend. So what better way to spend a record-breaking heatwave than driving into Vancouver and sitting in a friendly cafe watching my favourite gamers living, loving and learning? (Well - living, anyway.)
*The Jayne hat that Serena knitted is so cool and it fits perfectly - thank you, Serena! If you want your own Jayne hat - or tea cosy, loo roll holder or more - then you can order them from Serena here.

Relaxing, mid-marathon
You never forget your first time
It wasn't just die-hard Guildies, there, either. Several people who had never seen The Guild before came along and, judging by the laughs, gasps and LOLs, everyone had a great time. I spoke to a long time Browncoat who had heard of The Guild but had never seen any of it. He was very impressed by the end of Season 1, and stayed for all 3 Seasons. The quality of the writing and acting surprised him and he was very interested in the history of how The Guild came about. And his favourite character was Clara - who is so endearing despite being so morally bankrupt. Thanks to Serena and Alan for organising everything, we had a wonderful time!

 Did someone say Felicia? Or Roger?

A funny thing happen on the way...
Apparently, on the way home from the Marathon, Gayle was talking about Felicia and the person in the next seat leaned over and asked if they were talking about Felicia Day. Such is the power of Red....
All the pictures I took are on my Flickr account, and here's a slideshow of it:

Season 4: nearly here!
Don't forget the auto-tuned Season 3 recap:

And don't forget the Season 4 teaser, either:

<br/><a href="" target="_new"title="Season 4 - Trailer">Video: Season 4 - Trailer</a>

Of course, re-watching your DVDs is really the best way to prepare:

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