Tomorrow is a big day!
After Pi yesterday and The Streamy Official Nominations being released on Friday it's been fun, fun, fun! Well, apart from the massive migraine, that is. Anyways. I ventured back in front of my screen and found via Whedonesque and thanks to The One True b!X that I saw this from
"Audience Choice Voting starts on Monday! For those of you who absolutely can’t possibly wait to start voting, blog your best guess of the Audience Choice Award lineup (pick 10 web series!) — the blogger who’s lineup is closest to the official lineup announced at the end of the day on March 16 wins two (2) tickets to the Streamy Awards Ceremony on March 28! Tweet links to your posts to @tubefilter on Twitter "
That's too good to resist! So here's my list:

1) The Guild
Some of you might be aware that I love this webseries for a multitude of reasons. See all the various posts here and there about why. They should be first.
Yes, it's tough to decide between this and The Guild. Dr Horrible has broken records, moulds and hearts. And inspired me to create my own webseries. Yep, they will probably win :)
This is the best game show I've seen on the Web. If it is a game show. And if it isn't then it's still one of the funniest, freshest shows in webland. I heart Kiko!
Actually completely Suitable For Work, you'd be hard pressed to find two hotter or funnier girls in shower on the web. The interaction and dialogue is awesome.
It's a bit naughty and a lot funny. NSFW but you'll check it out anyway because it's got legs (Season 2 is shooting now).
Isn't it great when you can share funny shows with your kids? Possibly not if it's Happy Tree Friends! Very funny with a gory twist every episode guaranteed to delight kids and horrify sensitive adults.
These were very well done and they didn't spare the effects or writing. They (almost!) help to fill the time between Part 1 and 2 of the final season - but I'd have liked to see them released earlier.
What's not to love about this series? From the people who brought you such stories as "Sony release another piece of..." and "Apple introduces new Laptop with no Keyboard", The Onion continues to take unaware bloggers and commentators by surprise. Perhaps too funny.
I love the story and the acting is spot-on. I hope they do well because this is a very good series that builds really well.
I'm new to this series but I'm really enjoying so far. The idea behind it is intriguing and the quality of acting and cinematography is very high.
Halo, Machinima, taking the action and dialogue to the illogical extremes. This was a ground-breaking series that has stood the test of time for me.
Okaaaay. Did I mention the migraine? It's made it hard to count. And to write much. Or get pictures....So - what are your picks for the People's Choice? If you have a list and blog it don't forget to send them to @tubefilter on Twitter.
What is the time frame of the Streamy awards?
ReplyDeleteOzGirlTV should be right up there because it is new and fresh and well suited to the internet.
However is that too current?
I was looking for the rules and they state"
Any original production produced for broadband distribution with at least three (3) episodes released in the 2008 calendar year can qualify for consideration. The show must also be easily viewed and available online, either via a major video sharing site or unique URL...."
Does that help?
Thanks. 2008 just seems so last year. i mean we live at twitter speed when anything older than 60 seconds is old news. But I guess the Streamys have decided to focus on the distant past:) Still it will be interesting to see what pple thought was good from that era.
ReplyDeleteNow we just need a new ep of OzGirl..... he he he.... it is certainly rocking 09.