Yes, I still haven't managed to get myself in gear to attend a Con this year. Even October's V-Con, Vancouver's Sci-fi, Fantasy and Gaming Con looks doubtful because of scheduling for me. I didn't get to San Diego's Comic Con, but I talked about it here and on Whedonage because the schedule included so many great people. Now Kids Need To Read have put up an awesome new Dr Horrible/Comic Con auction item:
"4200 enthusiastic fans attended the Doctor Horrible panel at San Diego Comic-Con in July, but only 100 were lucky enough to get into the autograph session that followed. Call it “crazy random happenstance,” but one of those fortunate few was a Kids Need to Read officer, who has graciously offered this rare collectible for our auction. The item is an 8×10 Lobby Card for the series and boasts a stellar set of autographs – Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, Joss Whedon, Felicia Day, Jed Whedon, Zack Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen!"

Wow! This is one rare collector's item. Dr Horrible has smashed expectations and the iTunes box office, so this is sure to be the ultimate prize for fans...
DragonCon - things to see and do
This weekend is DragonCon and Twitterland is abuzz with people making their preparations. The Buffy: Between the Lines crew is going to be performing B:BtL live at 2.30PM on Saturday, 30th August. Then, on Sunday, they will be performing the first officially sanctioned fan-production of Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog in full costume!
Scott Sigler, podcaster and writer of one of my favourite books this year, 'Infected', will be there on Saturday. 'Contagious', the follow-up to 'Infected', is being released in time for Christmas, so here's your chance to go and ask Scott how much he's been enjoying getting these edits done. Really. He won't mind telling you one bit.
On Saturday there is also a screening of The Guild and 7.00PM arranged by a 'Guild Champion', Jamie Chambers. There will be signed copies of the DVD available and Felicia Day and Sandeep Parikh will be attempting a live chat intro to the screening. They aren't there in person because...
PAX - things to see and do
This weekend also see the Penny Arcade Expo happen in Seattle. Now Seattle is only a 2 hour drive away from me. Think about it. That's not far. But fate has conspired to ensure that there is no way on God's green earth that I can get there this weekend. Which is really a huge pity for me because Felicia Day and Sandeep Parikh (Codex an Zaboo, the ill-fated couple in The Guild. Hehe, I've never thought of/described them as that before...!) will both be there. On Friday at 9 pm there is a screening of The Guild Season 1 and they will both be there - the first time they have attended a live screening! There will be a Q&A and they will signing and selling DVDs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, too. A great opportunity to meet the stars. No. I'm not bitter. But if you do go please post your pics and stories!